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How to maintain and clean your refrigerator

How to maintain and clean your refrigerator

Maintaining and Cleaning Your Refrigerator: A Comprehensive Guide by Jones Services 

A refrigerator is a pillar in every household, tirelessly preserving our perishables day in and day out. It's essential to keep it clean and well-maintained to ensure it runs efficiently, keeps your food safe, and lasts for many years.  

Now is the perfect time to check and clean your refrigerator before it starts working overtime during the holiday period, storing prepared food, and then all the delicious leftovers! 
In this guide, brought to you by Jones Services, we'll walk you through the steps to maintain and clean your refrigerator effectively. 

Maintaining Your Refrigerator

  1. Temperature Control: Ensure your refrigerator temperature is set between 4-6°C  
  2. Organization: Regularly rearrange your fridge to ensure proper airflow and temperature distribution. Store raw meat on lower shelves to prevent cross-contamination. Keep similar items together for easy access and visibility.
  3. Check Seals: Inspect the rubber gaskets (door seals) for any signs of wear, tears, or debris. Wipe them down with a mixture of water and vinegar to maintain their flexibility and airtight seal.
  4. Clean Coils: Locate the condenser coils (typically at the back or underneath the fridge) and vacuum or brush them to remove dust and dirt. Dirty coils can make your fridge work harder, reducing its efficiency.
  5. Empty & Clean Drip Evaporation Pan: The drip pan collects condensation and defrost water. Empty it periodically and clean it with a mixture of warm, soapy water and vinegar.
  6. Check Water Filters: If your fridge has a water filter, replace it according to the manufacturer's recommendations. A dirty filter can affect the taste and quality of your water and ice. 

Cleaning Your Refrigerator 

  1. Remove Food: Begin by taking out all the food from your fridge and freezer. Check expiration dates and toss anything that is expired or spoiled.
  2. Unplug or Turn Off: For safety, unplug your refrigerator or turn off the power source before cleaning. This prevents any accidental startup during the cleaning process.
  3. Remove Shelves and Drawers: Take out all removable shelves, drawers, and bins. Wash them in warm, soapy water and let them air dry completely.
  4. Wipe Down Interior: Use a cloth or sponge dipped in a mixture of warm, soapy water to clean the interior surfaces. Pay special attention to spills, stains, and sticky areas. For stubborn stains or odours, use a mixture of water and white vinegar.
  5. Clean Door Seals: Wipe down the door seals with a cloth or sponge dampened in warm, soapy water. Ensure the seals are completely dry before closing the doors to prevent mould growth.
  6. Clean Exterior: Don't forget the exterior! Wipe down the outside of the fridge with a mixture of water and vinegar to remove fingerprints and smudges. 
    Reassemble and Restock: Once everything is clean and dry, reassemble the shelves, drawers, and bins. Return the food items to their respective places, organizing them neatly.
  7. Plug Back In: Plug your refrigerator back in or turn the power source back on. Give it time to cool down to the desired temperature before reloading perishables. 

By following these maintenance and cleaning steps, you'll ensure that your fridge runs efficiently, keeps your food fresh, and provides you with years of reliable service. A well-maintained fridge not only saves you money on energy bills but also promotes food safety and a healthy home environment. Keep your eyes peeled for our guide on maintaining, defrosting and cleaning your freezer! 

If you would like to get your refrigerator checked or serviced by the experts, Jones Services has a “Appliance Service Maintenance Offer” which they offer to help ensure the longevity of your appliances. Give them a call to enquire today 0800 555 033. 

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